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The Doreen Gauthier Lighthouse Point Library

Patron Technologies

The goal of the Lighthouse Point Library is to maintain a friendly, helpful and welcoming environment. Library staff will gladly assist patrons in gaining access to electronic resources to pursue their intellectual, recreational, or educational interests. Due to safety guidelines Library staff are prohibited from allowing patron use of staff computers/phones/areas or the accessing, inputting or retaining of any patron’s personal data.   

Patron Access Computers (PACs)
Any individual with an active and current Lighthouse Point Library card can use the Patron Access Computers, unless they have had this privilege revoked because of previous inappropriate usage. PACs can be used for informational and educational purposes, accessing electronic databases, and other software provided through the Lighthouse Point Library.  Any patron using a PACs must observe copyright and communication laws and others’ right to privacy. Illegal activities or any other activities intended to disrupt City network services or equipment are prohibited. “Illegal activities” are defined by applicable local, state, or federal law and will be subject to prosecution for violation. 

Patron Access Computers are protected to ensure the security and integrity of the software already installed. Patrons cannot install their own software. PACs cannot be used to distribute unsolicited advertising, or for any ongoing activity that results in commercial gain for the user. Printing is allowed from all PACs with fees set by the City Code. Any computer station designated for access to the Library’s card catalog or online resources cannot be used for any other purpose.

Patrons are reminded that Patron Access Computers are located in a public area, which is shared by patrons of all ages and backgrounds, and are asked to be sensitive to others when accessing potentially controversial information and images. Accessing pornography in the Library on Patron Access Computers or personal technologies is prohibited. 

Availability of Patron Access Computers
Patron Access Computers are available on a walk-in basis only. A patron logs on to a PAC with their Lighthouse Point Library card number and pin number. The usage time is 90 minutes per patron, per day. If no one is waiting for access to the PACs, a patron currently using a computer may request 60 additional minutes of usage time.  The request must be made BEFORE their time expires.  Due to space restrictions, only one person may be at a computer station at a time.

patrons' wifiPatron Use WIFI
The Library has a patron use WIFI network which requires a Lighthouse Point Library card to access. Printing is not available via WIFI or from personal devices. To print in the Library, patrons should save their material to a USB and go to a Public Access Computer. Please remember, the Library DOES NOT have a secure WIFI network. Patrons use it at their own risk.  

Internet Usage
Due to the nature of the internet, the Lighthouse Point Library cannot ensure the availability, accuracy, accessibility, or even appropriateness, of all electronic resources. The Library complies with the Federal Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) guidelines for Libraries and Schools which requires the implementation of internet safety policies addressing the “access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet”.  Accordingly, some websites and/or images may not be accessible on Library Patron Access Computers due to CIPA compliant filters.  The Lighthouse Point Library does not use any internet filters, or any other means, to restrict access or protect persons from information found individually offensive, except as provided by law (CIPA).  As with other Library materials, restriction of a child’s access to the internet or other programs is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. We expect parents who are concerned about their children’s use of electronic resources to provide supervision and guidance to their children.

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